trying to get away from my arms!
Typing is hard work!

Today feels more like the first day of the year, not yesterday because yesterday I slept in until my headache went away (2:30 in the p.m.) and then went to work and then came home and read my book and slept.
Today feels newer anyway, more like 2k9. Yes definitely.
Oh yeah, I've never flown into Toronto at night time but look you can see the CN tower

I did end up going to the Mrs's for New Years and it was good and I drank way too much champagne and made fun of people. Just like me. Classic.
I'm hoping that this year is going to be just as good as and probably even better than last year.
I have hopes and they are high.
This week has sort of been about brunch and best girl friends and the BFF and I went and got matching dayplanners for the second year in a row. You know Paperblanks makes the best ones. And The Paper Place has them on sale at this time of year.
I'm having troubles deciding about my hair colour (again). I am for seriously getting my damn headshots done for serious really seriously soon (I hope) and I need to choose a hair colour and go with it.

I kind of want it to be like this hot lady from Mad Men (good show, btw, watching all the episodes online, thanks CTV).
But I also kind of like this faded out business it's being right now

Also I'm thinking of cutting off all my hairs... any thoughts on this?

except longer sort of like that girl from Metric. Except better. Haha.
I walked to work yesterday for the first time in a few weeks (mostly on account of not being here). Man, walking is so good for you. I can feel it and like it except then I was way too tired to walk home afterwards. Too bad, hopefully today I will walk both ways. Maybe I will remember to wear my wrist-weights. Wild.
Ew this house is such a mess! It's making me unable to think straight. Or maybe that's the caffeine. Anyhow.
I think I'm going to go do something about it. Maybe. Or maybe just edit pictures holy hell are there a lot of them. Way too many, that's for certain.
If you want you can leave comments for my mother telling her to hurry up and make me that duvet cover I've been promised. I really want it! I'm so excited! I'm going to switch up my house a bit maaaybe.
Look at these fabrics, wouldn't you be excited too?