I don't think I've ever participated in a meme on this particular blog. Maybe I'm wrong?
Anyhow, my only news source, Nunc Scio, "tagged" me in this one, so ah... here you go.
As far as I gather I just have to tell you seven facts.
Ones you don't already know?
It doesn't even specify, but that seems like it would be more interesting. Maybe you know some of these. WHATEVER.
1. I have an extra piece of muscle around/beside my heart. This makes it sound sort of like I have a heart murmur. I had tests done when I was very small. I remember wires and electrodes. Or maybe I was abducted by aliens.
2. I'm counting calories these days. It seems like it's a rational way of doing things. I kind of like it, it makes me feel in control. I want to never have to go to the gym again. Good goal.
3. My favourite kind of coffee is from 7-11. I love it. It's wonderful. I can mix it just the way I like it. I know it's gross but it's also perfect. I do not see the point in fancy coffees because I do not like them.
4. I've started putting straight vaseline on my face. I ran out of face cream and the wind is too harsh on me. Vaseline is good for pretty much everything.
5. I don't tell babes about other babes unless they ask. Babes frequently assume a lot of things. So do I, I guess, but I try not to. I do try to be kind and open though. Aw, shit.
I am a healthy interactor.
6. I'm scared of serving. Like being an actual waitress or bartender. For some reason I'm convinced I would not be able to do it. Despite how I actually have in the past.
7. My first real kiss was actually a joke. This dude and I made jokes and jokes and jokes and jokes, especially about going off to make out and then one day neither of us backed-down. So we ended up in the stairway of the theatre at school, awkwardly kissing. Mostly I laughed and was the most awkward human ever. And was only then starting to become an attractive human being. He was a sort of sought-after babe I guess, but not someone I ever really liked.
He is now married with kids.
And here I thought I'd gotten over my need to respond to chain letters.
I used to be super paranoid about them, especially in elementary school. But then, who wasn't??
Anyhow, I'm "tagging" these seven people because they are nice. I do not suggest in any way that you have to do this however, because I hate when people do stuff like that.
1. Sass
2. Steph
3. Miranda
4. Cloudy
5. James
6. BathtubMary (locked so too bad for all the rest of you)
7. reberk
Aw, shit, soon I'm going to be posting symbols arranged to make trucks and christmas trees and things or heart-warming stories of loss and hope that you MUST forward to at least 10 friends, etc.
scroll down to reveal your destiny!!!!!!!!
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