
yes, that sounds like something you would say

I really really meant to go to the meeting today about how skydome is unionizing. I REALLY MEANT TO GO. I was all dressed and everything and then I was about to leave and I thought about how I hadn't had a moment alone in a few days and how I have to go to work later this afternoon but there would be time in between where I'd have to wander around downtown and probably spend money and look, there's my couch and my computer and I haven't watched the lastest 30 Rock yet and I know it's there waiting for me...

So you can guess which option won out.

Such a nice afternoon watching 30 Rock and Flight of the Concords and eating some eggs and some left-over goodies from the birthday tea party that I went to yesterday (gluten-free bread and cupcakes!!!)

party weekend = dirty kitchen

My friend, one of the founding members of MCDA, Miz Belle Woods, ended up coming up from Oakville this weekend and staying with me in order to PARTY PARTY PARTY and SCOPE BABES.

Gotta say we girls from MCDA know how to break it down. I have more to detail about all of this but I probably won't get around to it... I hope I do though.
Because life felt really good this weekend and I reaffirmed my love for party town.

I was making a point

It is way too cold out and I have no desire to go to work right now. Especially not walking.
Whatever, it'll probably turn to be awesome.