
working, babes, and donor dads

At my friend's restaurant a man was pestering one of the servers and being completely inappropriate and she finally had enough when he started feeling her up. So she leaned in closely to him and asked if he'd like to come outside with her and of course he very much wanted to spend a moment alone with her outside and so she told him to grab his jacket and then she lead him through the restaurant and then out...
When they got there she said "BYEEE" loudly and firmly and waved to him as he walked away...


Today I got a tip bigger than the price of the product I was selling. It was accompanied by the man telling me that I was the cutest girl he'd ever seen. I resisted telling him that he needed to get out more.
I am wearing french braids though...
One of the good things about closing up before the game is even over, is that when the men come back to ask for your number, you are no longer there.

Also I'm pretty sure one younger customer told his father to "quit cock-blocking" him. But maybe I just made that part up.

Our favourite supervisor brought us popcorn in a cup on which he'd written "miss you guys :("
Pretty sweet.


I'm trying to figure out a way to make a living off of scoping babes. I am so, so good at it. And always interested in it.
And I'm a pretty good judge of babes I wouldn't even be interested in. I feel like I know a babe when I see one.
Although sometimes my babedar is weirdly off.


It's hard to be friends with men. As much as I know babes (in terms of scoping and eying up and chatting up and dating for two weeks), men are still kind of a mystery to me.
I have never lived with one, I have never counted on one, I have never really known one. Really.

I mean, maybe Cpt. Heh, he's my best dude friend for sure. But he is not a typical dude. He's more of sweet little darling.

Friendships between men and women get complex. I have ridiculous few male friends (of any degree of friendship) who I have not made out with at least a bit. It's hard to know what is "loving" and what is "being in love". Or the lesser degrees of what is "caring" and what is "wanting to be with".
Especially because attraction is the reason we want to be around each other. Because there is something interesting and engaging...

And even when I try very hard to carve out the space and niche to be friends, it doesn't always go as planned. I can't control both sides. I have a hard time not pushing things. And I'm not always the best at being clear.
Especially when it's up to me to be the communicator. And I'm half-crazy. And too serious about everything, apparently.


My co-worker tonight was asking me about being born of donor insemination. She was pretty incredulous that I hadn't done everything I could to locate donor and/or siblings.
It's hard to explain as she has no context and no concept...
Why would I look?
I don't need to, I have a family. And, of course, I'm scared of disappointment.
Also, if I look and don't find, then what? Then it's more frustrating than ever.

I like the possibilities.

She also told me if I met my father I would just know him. If I saw him I would know it was him. She is woo-woo.

He could be a anyone. He could be an asshole. He could be someone I served every day at Jerry's. He could be an uncaring slob who I helped at The Body Shop on Christmas eve (having left everything to the last minute). He could be a Conservative.
There are good things that he could be too. Which, actually, I assume he is. And maybe that's why I'm not particularly looking. I quite like the idea of him that I have in my head.

A friend of friend here in Toronto gave sperm apparently. Thinking about that makes me uncomfortable. I don't think people realize what they are doing.
And that's part of the donor/offspring issues.

My donor father probably does not believe in me. I am not real to him. And he probably does not want me to be.
And that's part of why I don't really look.

ah, maybe I should. I don't know.


hmm, this is a way better entry than what I had expected to write