I mean, I have to settle into it but then.... PLEASURE
ah aloneness and quiet and making up things in my head and books and internets and lying around in the bath for awkwardly long times and today for some reason I was flapping my arms like a lunatic whilst giddy-upping across the apartment and then I realized that that was what I was doing and I laughed. And then every time I thought about it I laughed some more.
Maybe coffee puts me in a good mood for a full day? Or maybe I'm just naturally happy today.
I was a good customer service person today. I could feel it. That's nice. I like when I able to be nice and friendly and engaged and not a whiny little simp like I usually am.
Yesterday at work for some reason I was talking to my co-worker about intimate business (I know, not like me at all) and I said something about maybe not being as careful about condoms because, quote, "I just wanted him to like me"
and then I fell over onto the ground laughing because I'm the stupidest person I've ever met and I sounded like a shitty after-school special in the best/worst way.
(p.s. that didn't even ever really happened I don't know what I was on about, maybe I was trying to look cool... ahahahahhhhhhhhhhhha.)
I just reread a couple of entries I wrote recently and goddamn do I have bad grammar. Sorry about that, guys. If you want you can post comments correcting me!
Fun Timez For Everyone!
(don't just say there are too many errors for words, that's unhelpful)
Oh, hey, I bet I never posted pictures on here of the umbrella I made for my mother because it was a secret until Christmas.. but now Christmas has passed :( :( :(

Aw, sorry guys, are you now sad that I didn't make one for you for Christmas? Okay I will I guess.
oh yeah and here is me excited for having got my bro a cute teeny tiny iPod

(which ended up not working with their computer because it is soooo old and Mac is bitchy about things like that)
and here's the umbrella I painted for the BFF

the colour is off here, it's really more purple and prettier in real life you will just have to take my word already.
I made these, too

And other ones!!!
Because I am fancy like that.
I've had to pee for at least 45 minutes but I want to finish this post first!!!
You might be able to tell that I am feeling pleased with myself today. I am. I ate real healthy and stuff and walked both ways to work and was sooo tired when I got home but in a nice way and there was a big snowfall on my way down but it was quite beautiful and I have good winter boots for once in my life...
If I only had all the money to pay off my in-debts then this life would be a very, very good life to be living.
Time to book another gig, I guess.