Actually my heels are a bit raw from them but that's my own fault for wearing silly socks and stuff. So warm though! and they make me feel somehow invincible and tough (ha, obviously invincible people are tough)..
I am very pleased with my selection of boots this year. Moreso than ever before I think. Yes, definitely.
Mostly these three:
KODIAK KIDS BOOTS ($8.99, Salvation Army)
As mentioned above, they are also weirdly stylish this year. I'm glad that everyone is getting into warmth as style. I walk everywhere lately and so I appreciate it.

I splashed through puddles in these today and got my pants wet but never my toes.
These are the kind of boots that make me want to go toboganning...
VAGABOND BLACK LACE-UP BOOTS ($19.99, Value Village)
Well, they really only pretend to that they're about the lacing-up, but very comfortable and really dreamy. I like them more every day.

I just googled the company, apparently they don't even sell them in the Americas. Weird! Also, for some reason they remind me of something like what Jan Brett would draw. Like from The Wild Christmas Reindeer or something. Also, why don't I own that book?
Also, these are perfect because they are slightly too big and so I have 1 pair of gel insoles and 1 pair of heat-reflecting insoles and now they are quite delicious.
UNKNOWN-NAME BROWN BOOTS ($9.99, Value Village)
I got these in Saskatoon, I returned other, stupid boots and got these gems instead and they are awesome. I get the most compliments on them. They are very slippery and I fell very hard on the ice the other night while wearing them.

Okay. It's almost three a.m. and I've watch three episodes of Mad Men in a row and now I'm dangerously close to finishing watching all the episodes and then what??
Taking suggestions for the next show I will immerse myself in. Bonus points if it's available on a network website I can stream.