
I'm ready for more fat snowflakes

the snow is falling lightly

Oh no I might be through my Christmas chocolate already. And since I got more than ever before.. this is sort of a bad sign.
Oh, no, wait. I definitely hid some away now that I think about it.
Thank god.
I think I'm going to need it today.

I love my view

Feeling kind of all kinds of extremes. I'm guessing hormones. I slept for a cool 11 hours last night and had sort of fantastical dreams. In nice ways and stressful ways.
Pretty clear.

I don't really feel like standing up. But my apartment is getting to me. It's unacceptably cluttered and gross. I need to get rid of some stuff. And I need a new futon like I can't even tell you. No, I really can't. And I really do.
But it all comes down to money, doesn't it?
Think of how easy it would be to have a new futon if I had money! I would just call up and have one delivered!

such fat snow!

My deservist attitude and being broke really do not mesh well together. Quelle Big Surprise!

I'm ready for my duvet cover! I'm so ready for it to come soon! The deliciousness of that chocolate brown!

Ugh I'm feeling sad and unproductive and like nothing I do will ever be enough. Yep, hormones, I know. But. Still.
I haven't had a good cry in too long, maybe I will find a sad movie to watch and that will open them floodgates...

I know that I am a sad but I am glad that Rudyard is around for a day or two more at least... She is going nuts right now running around the attic and I have to keep stopping to pick up the toys to throw for her again.

I'm trying to be a better blogger lately. Here and on Private Blog. Because I do appreciate being able to go back to look at things.
I'm into nostalgia and memories more than almost anything.