But it was one of the funnest days I've had in awhile.
Owed in great part to MCDA and all of the ideas surrounding that band/dance group. We're thinking of getting it back together. The biggest obstacles being how busy Dzanita is and how Miz Belle Woods lives in Oakville lately and how Lockdown Nasty never takes the band seriously and forgets her own name and how Lady Diamondtrim lives in Europe and is married and I how I never get around to doing anything I say I'm going to.
... And the other biggest obstacle is that MCDA has never really managed to live anywhere up to our potential.
Aw, Man, we are such, such a good band. Such good ideas.
For instance, New Hit Singles we were working on last weekend:
1) Babes and Babies
2) Clingy Sluts
3) Safety Deposit Box (First you make a deposit, then a withdrawal....)
Also the dance moves that we have to teach the world... they're kind of unreal. Or at least unnatural. One or the other.
We had brunch at Nirvana.

For Three Hours.
That's a long time. I drank three cups of coffee and I usually don't drink that stuff, so needless to say I was WRECKED. By which I mean wired and shaking and very happy and a bit nauseous. Fun Timez!
Their brunch is pretty good. It is especially good on the weekends because Aunties is way too crowded to go to, especially if you are me and like your brunches to last for Three Hours.
Aw, our server was very nice about it though. He was a bit scared of us, I think. LD Nasty was certain that he thought that she was trying to eat him and so she tried to not show her teeth to him in case he would find it a threat.

Nasty refuses to have her face photographed, which means we have to find some masks for her involvement in MCDA...
The server came 'round at one point and asked us if there was anything else we'd like (we'd been there for probably 2.5 hours at that point) and
me: "I kind of want some magic"
server: "Magic?"
me: "yeah, I need more magic in my life... can you do a magic trick?"
server: "Actually my brother is a magician and so I do know a couple of tricks.. Card tricks"
But we didn't have any cards! I asked him to look for some for us, but he couldn't find any :( but then he did a levitation trick! And it really looked like he was levitating!

The best part was that I then re-met this server at Sneaky Dee's the other night (no, he wasn't working there too, he was a customer like me. and also a friend of a friend [The friend being really more of an acquaintance who a) didn't know I was famous and b) occasionally reads this blog. Hi!] whoa convoluted brackets). And then I identified our brunch party town and he said "I was in kind of a bad mood and then you guys made it a bit better" awwwww, nice!

We laughed so fucking hard at that brunch. Nasty and I especially pointed and laughed at each other in that cackle-way that makes it so much better and is so, so rude. And awesome. Best sober time in awhile...

I really want to get the band back together guys......
Missile Da Bomb
(aka The Baby Boss)
p.s. - I just edited this but for a minute there I used the wrong they're/their! embarrassing!