
pagan poetry

summer 2001
My friend took these photos of me near the end of summer of 2001.. I think? We spent a whole lot of that summer together, taking pictures and planning adventures and partying in the bushes of the riverbank.
me + fall
It was right after I finished high-school but I didn't get around to getting a job until the December of that year.

This was also the summer I was stalking* a dude with the last name of Morton and my friend had a crush on Edward Norton and we referred to each other as Mrs. Morton and Mrs. Norton (more like Mrs. MORTIFYING) and once we even baked a cake and then wrote our married names across it in cursive and it was beautiful.
This was the summer we also hung out on her rooftop while her parents were at work, and listened to more Bjork than I thought possible, and even practiced speaking like her (I still can, too, I'll do it for you sometime, maybe)

*I have stalked exactly three babes in my life (not including celebrities) and I made out with all three of them! Even dated two of them for a while. And the third is still one of my favourite friends.
(So Eugene Mirman is right when he says "there has to be some percentage of stalking that works, like, 'I hung around outside of her apartment for three weeks and then we just Clicked'")

roof photo shoot

It occurs to me that that is maybe my natural haircolour in these photos. I would've been growing it out from when I accidentally cut it to about 4 inches the summer before (not pretty)...