I keep picking at them and it's gross. This is awesome also because I also have disaster-skin this week, thanks, hormones!

I've been wanting to make videos SO BADLY lately but I don't have a camera for that anymore and it's driving me NUTS.
Yesterday The Ladies (meaning Dollface and co.) and I went for Indian food in Little India at the Tika House and our friend got up and fully plugged her phone in to charge it about 4 tables away from us.
Also, our table was in a PORTABLE, yes, just like elementary school. Luckily it was pretty empty and the food was really good (also spicy as hell, getting better about spicy though), and the server dude was very helpful and adorable..
Yeah, I really wish I had a video for you dudes.
Especially when the server dude brought over almond popsicle-type things that were flesh-coloured and way too phallic.
DF might have photes, we'll have to wait and seeeee.

Mum was originally going to buy me a camera but then she didn't. Nice, hey??
I do have things to say on here. I'm just not really getting around to it.
I also may or may not clean my mirror sometime in the near future.