I just realized that one of my favourite sayings doesn't even make sense for me!
In my natural-born life!
Only partially naturally-born. The turkey-baster beginning doesn't really count as natural I bet...
Which is a happy change from how lonesome everything was feeling last night. Sometimes I do not like being the only one in this household. But I am unwilling to commit to a cat or a babe apparently.
Went for coffee with the BFF yesterday (she needs a new nickname that one is sort of lame. But I do feel pleased about her being my BFF, she's the sort of person you feel proud to be around. Ha!) near her school and that was nice because she is in Law School and when you are in Law School you have time for no one else. SIGH.
Then I walked her back over to her Law School where I creeped around and took obnoxious pictures

I made that scarf, in case you were wondering, so don't insult it. It's the only thing I've ever finished knitting.
The basement of the BFF's school is very, very funny. It seems like it would be fancy and stuff but NOPE.

I think my high-school was fancier than this. But that is what makes it awesome. I tried every door to see if I could find any secret passageways (we had those in my high-school, though to be fair, sometimes I can't remember which parts were real and which parts were things I dreamt. Like I'm pretty sure that there was no underground carnival beneath my school, but was there a supply closet that lead to another supply closet? No? I don't even know. There definitely were tunnels though, and dirty dusty areas that felt cool because we weren't supposed to be in there). No door was open.

Poor BFF, shouldn't allow me into places of higher learning...
Then we found her BF who I will call BRAD because of he's such a boyfriend and it seems like Brad is a good name for a boyfriend. Brad told me I looked vaguely homeless in that touque! Too true!!! And Brad told me a joke but I was having none of that. I will tell you that it was about tampons, but that's all.
Brad is kind of funny, he is 6 foot 7, and he is also going to become a lawyer and sometimes he talks like one like one time he was like "So, what's it like being from Saskatoooon" but I mean, I don't know what it's like being from anywhere else...
Yes, he's very nice and also we don't know what to make of each other.
Anyone want to weigh-in on me using one of these two to be my new headshot?
I know I already asked this and the only person that I should ask is my agent but I'm sort of micro-manager/independent fuck, so it's hard on me. Okay?
I'm just wondering if it's even worth it to try and do another shoot in the next few weeks (which might not even get around to happening if the past few months are any indication) or if these are actually very nice and totally usable/appropriate.

I'm kind of favouring the bottom one. I like seeing them with my name for some reason. Makes it seem official or something.
You can check my IMDB for other pictures I've been using to market myself. To compare. I KNOW THAT YOU ARE VERY INTERESTED.
Hockey game tonight! Go Leaves Go!