
vodka vodka vodka

"No, I don't think I have ever once thought 'Oh no! Where are my nipples!?'"

Vodka tasting last night at Spoke Club, Sass was kind enough to take me along with her. Thanks Sass!
The event was spons'd by Ketel One and we got to learn all about it. My favourite part was the part where we got to drink!

ketel one party townjavascript:void(0)

Though, I gotta tell you dudes, I do not like straight vodka pretty much ever.
But I do like drinking.
I haven't gotten around to editing my photos from last night, so the ones above are stolen from Sass. I will do that soon. Hopefully.

I have a back-log of photes needing to be dealt with, and a back-log of stories that need to be blogged.

Story of my life.