
good-bye 2k8! You served me well

370 posts in 2008? That's not too bad, I suppose.

Sorry I've been sort of AWOL lately, readjusting to Torontotown and trying to find spare minutes to spend by myself and also back to the grind (aka my less-than-stressful part-time employment).

Got back on Monday night and Cpt. Heh picked me up at the airport because he is a very good friend and then because he is one of my very best friends he also took me to pick up Rudyard and then to the grocery store to buy cat litter so that Rudyard didn't poo on my floor.
I know, right?

Back to work last night and it actually seemed kind of nice, I don't really mind beer serving, especially after a two-week break. I'm back there tonight but I'll be done around 9 or 10 so that's not bad. Then I can party all the time.
Except I don't even know what I'm doing tonight.
I think I'm going to end up at my friend, Mrs.'s, house because I am very lazy and also broke. Also because I like her and so that would be good.
I may also go dancing or go to see bands or something. Annoyingly, all of my friends are doing completely different things. Every person has something separate they are going to. Which makes it hard for me to decide what I want to do.
My first New Year's in Toronto. I'm kind of sad to be gone from Saskatoon, all of my friends there are doing awesome, rad, wonderful things without me, I'm sure.

Hey I never did have my Christmas break-down this year. Kind of weird. Maybe I'm becoming a robot.
Maybe it's still coming.

I still have a shit-tonne of pictures to get through, editing then uploading then putting them all on here for you to appreciate and enjoy. Soon enough. Hopefully.

Good-bye 2K8!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't feel like New Years. Probably because I'm in Toronto. But still.
2k8 was kind of rad in parts. And some really awesome things happened to me including
- Getting more famous
- Getting even more famous
- Making some moneys
- Doing it
- Getting fired and then re-hired
- Hot Babes
- Partying-All-The-Time

And now I'm 25, apparently. At least that's what they tell me. I keep forgetting I'm not 21 though, so I'm not a good judge.
25 sounds nice, it sounds solid and thick and like something you can hold onto. 25 sounds like a promise, or like a foundation. Like something I can step out onto.
Quarter century and that means that I'm serious about living this whole life thing.
It sounds like I can be taken seriously and held accountable. But in a good way.
I'm feeling like maybe this year could be about maybe stick-to-itiveness and accomplishments.
Maybemaybe maybe.