Rough morning already, that's alright, no worries. Wanted to sit down and have a cry on the kitchen floor instead of going to an audition, but I pulled through. Sort of. Choked at the audition, felt awkward, FUNTIMES! It's annoying when there are so few auditions around these days and then there's way too much pressure on every little chance.

I probably have some party-round-up for you somewhere, but not at this moment because I'm feeling ill and self-indulgent and I'm going to watch a movie and sulk around.
Not in a terrible mood though, all things considered.
I'm not thinking about anything because I'm too pessimistic to really work through what I need to do these days.

Tildabeast is still so pitiful after her operation yesterday. She's eating a bit at least. If she was skinny before she know looks absolutely hollow. I want her to be up and bothering me again soon.

So this site seems to be down for a bit every few days. I don't really know what to do about it and it's pretty annoying. Help?