So I guess by "this afternoon" I meant "in the middle of the night"...

Worked out with Dollface this morning. Yes I did not that is unusual because I work out every day because I am responsible and smart and I take care of my body just like actors should.
Um.. nothing?
It really is not bad with Dollface because she tells me what to do and I try to not do it or make fun of it and we watch shitty music videos and stuff, but still.

Then I had lunch with my actor friend and we talked about how we hate gyms. Mmmhmm.
Lakeview breakfast, haven't eaten there much when I'm sober - it was preeety tasty. I had eggs and greens and fruit and potatoes. Their greens are nice because of the sunflower seeds and greenery variety and the hashbrowns were lightly curried. YEP.
Not much I love better than long, relaxed lunches.
Except maybe partying-until-dawn.

Had a beer with Cheespie and Cpt. at Press Club this eve and then walked Kaya and talked to my mum for about an hour, so, of course, my un-busy day turned out to be overly-full. Of Course.
So still not enough time in my days to catch you up over here.

I still have tomorrow with absolutely no plans but then I'm sure there's stuff I'm forgetting about and definitely stuff that I should do (hi, laundry, I'm looking at you right now).....