Prune told me that she went through these pictures of Saskatchewan in my flickr and she wept uncontrollably. She hasn't been home in about two years probably, so that's understandable.
It's hard to explain to someone who is not from the prairies how wonderful it is there.

My little cousin (actually my cousin's son. families are strange. it seems like he should be closer related to me. I frequently forget that not everyone in my close family has my last name. they should.) got a Darth Vader (sp?) kite for his 11th(?Ugh I'm a bad relative) birthday and at the time he didn't seem too enthused about it but it proved to be much more exciting when actually used.
And it took us about a year to wind all that string back up after letting it out allll the way.

I like that on family picnics we don't feel the need to all always travel as a pack or stick together or follow each other around.

My mum disappeared for awhile and then reappeared across the creek and traveled back towards the cars then crossed back. She was yelling up to us on the highest hill and we couldn't make it out until my aunt (whose birthday we were celebrating) figured out it was "I waaaaaaant caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake"

So we went back down and had chocolate cake with raspberry coulis and whipped cream. Obviously.

This little cousin is a show-off and a attention-hog and knows that she is sooo cute and reminds me of no one if that's what you're wondering.

She definitely ran off with my camera a couple of times, which was alright, kind of funny.

In this picture I demonstrate why it is no surprise that Toronto airport security assumed I was pregnant (not asked, assumed). Thanks clothing choices and classic maredeath belly like I've had for years and years should be working on that. Okay starting now I am. (maybe)(kind of love it of course)

This baby is pretty cute, if you like that sort of thing which I don't I definitely don't want babies right now all the time. Nope.
She knows way too many words for her 18months but she's not all that talkative, more stoic and thoughtful, pretty sweet.. yeah.
She calls all cats 'Thistle" because that's her cat's name. It seems to me that 'cat' is easier to say than 'Thistle', but that's just not her style.

I still have about a billion photos from this picnic. I do kind of want to post them. Running out of steam. Still definitely have not retrieved all the photos off my harddrive. Probably overwriting them right now as we speak. Ugh I annoy myself.

I've been taking lots of new pictures but I don't want to put them on my comp for fear of wrecking the stuff I should be rescuing. I wish it weren't this much work.

Had a really nice dinner with the Mrs. last night at Sheba (College just east of Bathurst) Ethiopian restaurant. Actually, it was the company that was the great part, the meal was only so-so. We usually hit up Nazareth on Bloor but I wanted to go somewhere near my house and Sheba did not even begin to compare. Nazareth really is a lovely place and ridiculously cheap and comfortable, so it's hard to get that great. But it was much more expensive, less customer friendly, less welcoming, terrible elevator music, etc.
And the service at Sheba was sort of odd and they brought us the bill before we were done our drinks and cleared our water glasses instead of refilling them. Mrs. even had her package of iron pills out waiting to be taken and they didn't get us more water. It was awkward and the restaurant wasn't closing or busy or anything. Weird.
And kind of unpleasant.
But, yeah, seeing and catching up with Mrs. was very fun and we spoke of motivation and successes and ambition and social climbing and being unable to fake anything.

Working the next few days in a row. Thank god. I'm broke!
The problem with skydome is that it's days off at a time and then stretches of working every day. Hard to get another job that works around that.
I still need to. I know.