
had almost enough

I came very close to going out partying last night, but instead stayed home, had a glass of wine and watched a movie.

When speaking with Cpt. about whether or not I should go to Loving In The Name Of at Gladstone he said "What will you blog about if you don't go out partying?"

I was talking to one of my actor/artist friends the other day about how he wants to leave his retail job (after years and years) and how I sympathized about being pretty much done with customer service. It gets really really wearing after awhile.
I do feel like everyone should have to do a few months in customer service at some point in their lifetime.
There's something truly humbling about being treated like shit.

Maybe there should be lessons on how to be a good customer?
There's tonnes of training on customer service but not enough training on how everyone should respect each other.

Worked at the soccer pitch today - kind of in a bad temper all around about working.
Got chewed out today for wearing the wrong pants and wearing nail polish. Had problems with our cashout.
I'm tired of being told what to wear. I bite my nails right off if they are not polished. And my polish was a completely neutral colour. The pants I was wearing were okay for skydome and it's hard to keep it all straight.
It's just annoying. I didn't look sloppy or unprofessional, so it seems sort of moot.
Why can't I go to set every day?

Also, my bike decided to stop working properly on my way to work and riding there it felt like I had the brakes half on. Awesome. Was definitely late. More trouble!

But on my way home I stopped off at the BFF's parents' house and her dad fixed my bike! Awesome awesome. I'm glad other people have dads. That made my day a bit better.

Actually the day is getting significantly better, I just made way too much guacamole and beans and ate them together and now I'm going for drinks with the BFF.

I better find something to wear.
This worn out roughriders (that's how I like it) shirt just isn't cutting the mustard.
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