All I want to listen to is Josephine Baker and Buddy Holly. And maybe Steamboat tonight at Dakota.

Worked all weekend. Working Monday and Tuesday too! And maybe Wednesday! Working all the time!
Problems with the A/C at the dome makes for very hot and sticky shifts. I don't know how I am constantly surprised by the humidity around here, but I am.
Not a fan.

Oh yeah did I tell you guys I went to pick up my bike and the bike dude told me that my bike is "fucked" and he wouldn't fix it because it wasn't worth it. Sad emoticons, I'll tell you that much.
I can't afford a new bike!

I need a holiday. K I am craving cottage/lake/beach/island like I CANNOT EVEN EXPLAIN TO YOU.
I want Redberry Lake and open highways and fields and shit. Fuck yes I do.

Haha, awesome shirt, yeah? I'm not sold on it, it might be a bit extreme even for me. Especially since it's so childlike and absurd. Oh lordy, guys.

I love when customers at work go on about how they used to be bartenders or servers and then they don't tip.
guess it was awhile ago.