Can't stop yawning.
Dakota last night then Lakeview with Dollface, kind of fun. Mmm veggie burger with sauteed mushrooms mmmm yesss.
But then the cat woke me up at 8:30 and then they started doing construction on the roof over my head at 10 so... you know... didn't get all my beauty sleep.
Did my friend's photos today, pretty fun. Like shooting people. I have a tendency to laugh a lot while I do it but that's because I'm enjoying it I guess or something.
Aaaanyway, so I did leave my house for awhile and I have been getting stuff done all evening and I think I deserve a little rest and relaxing. Maybe put on a pot of tea maybe have a few little perogies or something. Could be anything. I'm wild and crazy!
I want to watch a movie on the internet. Which movie should I watch? I'd like a comedy. A romantic comedy that is also good. Do those exist?
NXNE picks coming up very soon. Ahhh man, so many good shows I'd love to see but also so little time kind of.
One pick will definitely be The Mark Inside (long time faves best sorts of dudes), and here is an article by the lead Mark Insider in the National Post
P.S. - Don't forget to come out to our wedding reception tomorrow!

(ha, my husband's beard is the same colour as my hairs kind of)