
All I eat is guacamole!

Busy busy busy busy busy week/weekend. That's why my house is a mess (I tell myself).
Now I have many days off in a row! So excited!
I'm finally going to kick this cold. I can feel it!
I've not managed to pass this cold on to anyone and I feel like it's a mystery cold that my body made up and I don't know why I still have it it is not fun or anything.

Wow even in the past couple of hours since I started writing this entry my days off have just filled themselves right up. Annnnnoying but also good?
It's good to be busy and have stuff going on (especially when it's things like preparing for shows, taking photos, and having auditions) but at the same time, I need a few moments to do laundry, sleep all the time, sew some more dresses, write some blog entries, etc.
Wishful thinking.

Comedy last night we went to see the 4th anniversary of Let's Get Hot at the Rivoli and I laaaaughed and laughed. I love laughing!
I so badly want to be best friends with all of them forever. Also want to date every funny guy I ever see. Because that's what's dreamiest about babes, I think.

Here's a video from a couple of the awesome people who performed last night:

Dakota after and it was not crowded and pretty fun. Scoped some babes and chatted with some friends. Danced for a moment or two. Not bad, not bad.

Ohhh but I definitely got told that having never been in a long-term relationship is
my fault/my decision.


You know what, to some degree, yes. I have decided that if I am unhappy in a relationship then I am going to end it. I get along well being single and if a relationship is more trouble then it's worth then I'm getting out of it.
Ugh but the self-righteousness of that statement irritated me, I'll tell you that much.

OOoooookay have to go be busy some more now.
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