
am I off my head, am I just out of love?

oh hi, 4:30 in the morning OF COURSE.

Not like I have to work at 11 a.m. tomorrow and then at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. No sir, don't worry about it!
the best part is that I wasn't even scheduled for that first shift tomorrow but lord knows I need work wherever I can get it. So badly!
Give me all the money!

Especially since I just spent my life savings on copies of Nick Rose's new CD!!!
I mean, I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm going to go out on limb here and say that it's amazing. I will be shocked if it isn't.

Yeah, Tranzac tonight for Nick Rose also featuring Dan Griffin. They did songs independently and then performed a bunch together with their acoustic guitars and their pretty voices..
Mrs. and I both bought Dan Griffin's CD maybe a year or two ago on impulse not having seen him perform but we were like "any friend of Nick's, etc" and man oh man, well worth it that CD is so lovely.
Both Nick and Dan, man, when you hear them you're like "really?? really babes are this smart and wise and clever and lovely and love this hard and care this much and know how to put it exactly right so it fits into this empty place at the side of your heart there..."

These kids are like Hayden or Elliott Smith except I get to hang out with them and know them and feel so pleased about their successes.

There's something so wonderful about sitting around a smallish room with people you like a lot and listening to babes sing about love and care-taking (care-giving Sass wants me to say instead)...

Life is sweet and I wish I slept more...

(title lyric from a Nick Rose song)
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