Have I been coming across as less-than alright?
I have not been meaning to.
Things are good and I am good and life is exciting and dramatic (not quite all my fault, babes make way more drama than they would let you expect).
Oh, except for how I am still so sick!
I definitely slept for 12 straight hours last night and I was fully convinced that would cure me. It did not.
I'm feeling more than shaky today and out of it. Though I did wake up hungry and I haven't had much of an appetite all week (which is pretty bizarre for me).
I wish I weren't in the middle of working seven days in a row.

Have not been partying-all-the-time at least.
Patio drinks with Cpt. Heh and Cheespie at Press Club last night, wasn't really warm enough after the sun went down but I have to tell you, I'm in love with this weather. It is the perfect sort of weather for me, I really don't do well in the intense heat.
I wilt.
Then I walked Kaya. Pretty exciting times, right??
Oh yeah, when I was walking Kaya the other day these very drunk girls were walking in front of me with their golden retriever following behind them. They had a fit of giggles and dropped the leash, fully not noticing.
I picked up the leash and continued to walk for a moment, thinking they would realize they'd lost something, but they didn't. Finally I called out "hey, do you want this back or can I have it?"
Because I'm subtle like that.
They took the dog back, which is probably good since I don't think Tilda Swinton's in the market for canine housemate.