I'm so pleased with my gift-wrapping so far this year. Pretty pretty. Yes that is a felt poinsettia! Thanks, Martha Stewart.

It really was a good party. I drank through getting tired early and kind of wanting a nap. I got there early and helped the hostess, one of my favourite friends, who really needs a name on here.. oh I don't know right now. Anyway, made food and hung out with her and gave each other gifts and had girl time.

Then lots of people came and people I knew and mostly just blocked up the hallway and partied down. I'm very big fan of house-parties. Sad to think it might be something I outgrow.

More too many photos I don't know when I'm going to have time to fix them and upload them to all the various sites I said I would. But I'm excited for having my computer with me in Saskatoon this time around, maybe I'll get some stuff done, I want to do some photo-editing and art-making. Hmm maybe.
I'm hoping to have most stuff done by the time I get there so I can just relax. We'll see.

Yeah, I'm sure I'll still have stuff to get done. But I don't want to have to bring allll my crafting supplies..

I still have a hang-over headache. Quelle big surprise. I slept in until 1:30 today and totally wasted this afternoon. Got exactly no gifts made. That's bad considering my party is tomorrow. I'm planning on leaving everything until tomorrow afternoon (after work) what a terrible plan! Aw I'm ruining everything!
Tonight more parties!
And my two very favourite voices are playing together at The Tranzac, Weather Station and Nick Rose. And that's such a treat for me! I hope I make it there in time after work!
I believe in Christmas miracles!