
the snow is falling lightly on the buildings and the pines

I don't know how I am running out of time so effing quickly. It is kind of ridiculous! There's still people I haven't even seen!

The thing about me is that I like people a lot and certain friends a lot and more often than not my favourite people are from all different groups and don't really know each other. Saskatoon is better these days because you can only live here for so long before meeting every single person, ever.
But then also there is layers of awkwardness that you have to try and be respectful of and that gets tricky, too.
Anyhow, I want to see everyone in the world today and go tobogganing but how do I know if they actually want to see each other or maybe they hate each other.
Yeah I'm big into trying to make all of my friends be friends with each other.

It's snowing and not as intensely cold out today! So, so pretty. I'm doing laundry and feeling overwhelmed at how many people I'm supposed to call and how many plans will fall through because people are like that.

Band Swap last night! Got a couple of pictures but mostly I was way too busy being very drunk (backroom secrets) and being a "Give it away Girl" ie: selling raffle tickets while wearing obscene amounts of ribbons.
Band Swap is very funny and fun, it's where any Saskatoon band member can sign up to participate and then they draw names and make new bands and then draw songs to cover and then one day later they perform and play the covers and maybe even new material. And all the proceeds go to the Crisis Nursery.
Anyway, it was a bit of a dance party and also a bit of a reunion - it's nuts how many people come home for Christmas. JPR was really killing me last night I forgot about his hilarious dance moves and straight-face.
I was talking to my friend and this guy shoved into him which in turn shoved me onto the ground and then my friend went to be like "what the fuck?" to the dude and the dude turned around and started fighting him. It was pretty nuts and not Saskatoon or Amigos(the bar)-like at all. Then like 5 girls broke it up and we were both fine and the guy left.
But the funny part is that this particular friend is one of the most universally adored dudes in Saskatoon. If that guy had really pursued it I think everyone would have jumped on him.

Anyway okay gotta go bathe I'm back to Toronto tomorrow so then maybe I'll have some moments alone and maybe more time for blogland.