A lot to say but I'm not making sentences properly today.

The light here really captures the peach fuzz on my chin. now I can look at nothing else.

My friend (who will now be nicked Mrs. because she is most likely to become a housewife) wrestled her cat, Jonathan, into a bowtie for the party on Friday. He was unimpressed. But the best was how people walking by would be like "Looking sharp, Jonathan".
Jonathan is the third best Toronto after my first love, Touro, and current fling, Rudyard Kitling.

Mrs. curled her hair for the party and proclaimed her name to be DIANA and posed around a bunch. I found this overly funny.

Mrs. and her mister are two of the funniest when drinking they both are belligerent and loud. And rude and it's kind of awesome.

I like when I get to realizing that people I liked a bit I actually like a whole lot and they are even better then I'd initially noticed.
OH yeah my birthday party was last night and some people came over and we ate (guacamole and vegges and cheese and bread and cookies and olives) and talked and had way too much sangria (thanks two-liter bottle of Dragani!). Then we all felt tired, Mrs. even fell asleep on the couch, but still got up and headed down to Dakota where we waited in line forever and a half with a bunch more people who met us there. No it wasn't that bad and luckily the door friend recognizes me way too quickly now and got some of the people in.
Anyway we all got in eventually and everyone had fun I think and talked to each other or not and I didn't care. I drank and danced a bit and was very pleased at how many great people I know and how they came to party down because they are in love with me and I with them.
I took not a single picture. I don't know why, I just wasn't particularly feeling it. Wanted to not have to worry about a camera.
And then as I was leaving someone stopped me and said "Meredith?" and I said "yes?" because I didn't recognize him but then it turned out to be Bill Priddle and I laughed because I hadn't been the creeper for once. I was so excited though! And too drunk to remember what kind of fool I made of myself. Yikes.
But he did say he's playing the Dakota soon (possibly next Sunday?) and I won't be here so you should go for me! Aw he's so good.
Oookay I have done exactly nothing to get ready for how I'm leaving at like 4 in the morning to get to Saskatoon by lunch time... And I have to work tonight! So better do something. Anything, really.