
it shouldn't be raining it should be snowing

Good news! Photos!
I hadn't really walked around downtown much lately but it sure is like a winter wonderland. Really lovely like.
winter wonderland

window at the bay

union station
Union Station is one of my favourite hang-outs, I kind of miss it in the summertime when I don't work at the ACC very often.
union station
lights at city hall
I kind of want to go ice skating at city hall. Except I don't have ice skates. I also kind of want to go ice skating in Saskatoon by the Bessborough, and I especially want to go tobogganing.

Yes, my friend has leant me a camera! I'm delighted!

Forgot I was going out after work last night, all prepared to go and cuddle-down at home on mine own, but had to go see Deck's band play the Horseshoe. Because I'm supportive like that.

Not supportive enough to take good pictures but win some lose some.

Cpt. Heh and his friend came along and we drank beers! And then we went to Magpie to drink more beers! And I don't think I'd eaten enough or something because holy begeesus I was drunk. I went home and played on the internet for a long time and had an in-dept fb chat that I have no recollection of. Classic.
And that's why today is for staying in. I meant to get a lot more done then I have though. Went for groceries and made some food but that's about it.
One more episode of 30 Rock (then I will have watched every episode to date! I want it to load!) and then I'm cleaning and crafting. I hope.
Or at least tidying. Because it's gross around here.

On her blog, my aunt was talking about being weirded out by her profile. I would like to join that club.

Okay so I've decided what I'm doing for my birthday/christmas/send-off get-together:

Sunday Night
7 o'clock
my house
food + drinking + chatting + just stopping by if you need to
10 (or 11) o'clock
head'r to
Dakota Tavern
dancing + good music + beers + bffs + staying out too late

So you're coming, right???

I stopped to think about Christmas eve there for a second and I got choked up.
Also, it becomes more apparent how 100% joke-broke I am, so please forgive me if my gifts are less than, well, existent this year.

Still so excited.