Actually, it is probably due to the fact that I haven't had a big cry yet. I like to have some of those around Christmas.
Coming home stresses me out terrible amounts. I know it shouldn't I know I'm here for the third time this year and I should be happy but I feel weird and detached and, well, irritable.
Might also be the wheat. (WikiAnswers says about wheat intolerances "personality changes can be a symptom -- inability to concentrate, irritableness, crankiness, difficulties with mental alertness and memory"
Okay here are so pictures back-logged from the last week or so:
Nick Rose at The Tranzac.

I made it for his whole set even and it was lovely and as much as him playing with full band is wonderful, it's still kind of a treat to see him on his own..

It really was much too dark to be taking pictures so sorreee.
Also Weather Station, it was the end of their residency there after all.

So good good.

I know I say this a lot and stuff but you don't even understand how talented the people I hang out with are. When I say "I'm going to see my friends play" I mean "I'm going to see the best bands in Toronto/Saskatchewan" and "These people are going to be so famous so soon, you don't even know"

Okay maybe I'm a bit homesick for Toronto. I know that's weird. Leave me alone.

From the gangLion comic book launch last week, I think this is a pretty representative Entire Cities photo:

I like it they are endearing. I want to sing with them again soon so that their coattails right and proper..
Best were the sunglasses

also the blacklights

And in the backroom, you could have

Or drink Jag and pear cider. If you were lucky.
I was