Oh lordy I love my big camera. It is heavy and I am protective of it but I need to take it out more often, ie: all the time. I love love it.

Brunch today with my director from A Small Thing and our friend and also my friend from the Manson movie who then did a series in Winnipeg that my director wrote for. I know small world, right?!
No really it is the smallest world.

Too too many pictures.

it looks like it was a rainy day but it was not!

Yes I had brunch today more breakfast tacos I can't seem to order anything else because they are just way too good. Everything I long for and so on.

Hey what does it mean when all of a sudden I have about 10 new subscribers on my youtube page? Why all of a sudden?

Gift wrap preview oh sweetness I am having fun with this hopefully I keep it up.
P.s. I'm tired of that BFF being in law school and having no time for me. I will keep this gift until she pays more attention to me.
Just kidding school is important.
Sort of.

Aw it snowing light fat flakes outside my window just for my Christmas spirit I do believe!
Fancy dress Christmas party tonight!
I'm going to make cookies! And then get sloppy!