I'm kind of obsessed with this song I randomly downloaded by Kings of Leon called Milk something about it feels good. Really good.
Ugh guys, I really want praise for all the crafts I have been working very hard on but they are for gifts and so I can't post pictures.
It's times like these where I really, really miss living with my mum who is the ultimate best at praise (how do you think I got so self-satisfied). Even when I directly say "look at this and tell me how wonderful it is" she will find a really specific way of complimenting it that makes it seem very genuine. Which it probably is on account of how talented I am.
Aw man House is such a good show I don't even care what you think I can't wait for Wednesdays when the new episode is up online and I can settle in and enjoy it and hope that maybe someday, just someday House and Cuddy will be together (which will also be the end of the show but still).
This week's episode made me cry. Stupid Christmastime episodes with their heat-string manipulation.
Also cried at Gossip Girl whatever that show is pretty great and I feel like maybe it's getting better like maybe it's getting a heart or something.
Also, been watching season one of Mad Men on the CTV website and it's pretty good. Not great like I was expecting but definitely watchable.
Someone give me more 30 Rock. So badly.
Speaking of which, I get called more by my last name than ever before. Especially at work. And the weird part is, I like it. I also get called Cheeseburger a whole lot. Which is also fine. People like me.
For those of you unawares my last name is like cheeseburger but instead of burger it's 'brough'
To be fair, I also call a lot of people by obnoxious nicknames. And everyone who's name is Richard obviously gets called Dick. Or Little Dick or Big Dickie and so on.
So naming my kid Dick. Underused name these days.
Guys I wish I had an office Christmas party to go to. I have no official Christmas parties. Home-parties, yes, but no work or organization parties.
Maybe next year I should get a job in an office so that I can go to the party...
Will consider!
I'm so broke I will have to get another job after the hols so that I can pay off my effing credit card. UGH.
Yeah so ran out of money, hope no one is expecting anything worthwhile. Except for some reason I got way too much stuff for one person. Some people are easier to shop for than others I guess.
I'm tired like a tired otter but I have more things to make! Maybe just another hour of working hard...
Or maybe just cuddling down.
I forgot how great Constantines are. Especially Shine A Light. Really really.
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