
i painted my nails then did the dishes and ruined them!

I keep forgetting how flipping soon Christmas is. It's wild.

You know how they say walking is the best exercise? I think they might be right. Walking home from work takes almost exactly one hour and when I get home I'm quite tired and sort of satisfied. As long as it doesn't get too much colder, I want to try and walk at least one way all my shifts this month. And maybe both ways. That'd be good for me.
Still taking my vitamin D and my iron and multivitamins and feeling better. Also sleeping no more than 8 or 9 hours... I've even been pretty hormonal the past couple of days but I'm still in quite a good mood. I did cry at Grey's Anatomy (twice) and at the news video of a dog saving another dog from traffic after it had been hit by a car, but still.

I have a totally visible scratch across the tip of nose from Rudyard Kitling waking me up in the morning. She has no patience for me after 8 hours. I think she's part evil.

Wilco sounded really good last night, I didn't see much of it but I got to listen to it all, which was nice. Neil Young was also pretty great. And I'm working the same concert again tonight..
Working at ACC is funny because I'm getting to work with different sorts of people, people I wouldn't necessarily get to know in real life. At Skydome it's mostly girls my age doing the beer serving but at ACC (because of the union, I bet) it's older men and women, some of whom have been working there since Maple Leaf Gardens. And when you work with people you end up with at least an hour to fill up with conversation with whoever you're working with. There are always, always slow bits to any event and time to waste. That's why it's extra annoying to work with someone you clash with, there's plenty of time for them to get on your nerves.
Luckily most of the people there are genuinely nice. And some of them I like enough that I would definitely hang out with them outside of work (and have).
A woman I worked with a few weeks ago was so ridiculously nice and it turned out we had very, very similar tastes in movies and TV shows (Amelie, My So-Called Life, Laugh-In, etc!) and we spent time talking about the state of Canadian television and recommending movies and TV shows to each other. It made the evening 100 times funner.

Last night I worked with this man, we'll call him Fred, Fred and I worked together a bunch last year and a couple times so far this season. We are kind of similar, both Capricorns, sarcastic and biting and overly-honest and funny. But until last night we didn't know how to interact properly, it was like we couldn't put down our sarcasm and making fun of each other and one-upping each other. And it was funny and good to work with him and I felt pleased when I actually got him to laugh, but it felt kind of like work. He's the type to be completely immune to my charming nature, he's the type to find me obnoxious where I think I'm being amusing. Sort of like my mum, actually.
Partly this happened, I think, because I honestly don't know how to interact with middle-aged men. They're either parents of friends or authority figures, never just peers. I don't know why it's different with men than it is with women, but it is with me apparently.
But last night something shifted and I was feeling sort of vulnerable at the beginning of the evening and not up for sparring and we ended up really talking. About so many things like politics and activism and religion and children and the future. It was really nice.
It all started when I said "Wilco are opening!" and he said "Really?" and I said "You like Wilco?" and he affirmed and I guess I sort of stopped playing cute and actually talked music with him. Turns out we have kind of similar tastes in a lot of things. And similar interests including:
-mocking everyone
-thinking we're smarter than everyone else
Anyhow. It was really nice. And it's funny how it's hard to get out of a pattern once you've started it. It's funny how it's hard to back down when you're used to making fun of one another.

Now if I make a lot of money tonight, then everything will be wonderful.