How wild!
They were all gobbled up at my clothing swap get-together last night so I don't have a picture for you, oh wait,

I lifted this from the internets but it looks like them.
Anyhow, last night's batch turned out quite nicely (I think, actually I don't think I ate a whole one...), so here's the recipe as I make them:
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup marg.
1/2 cup vanilla soymilk
Boil these ingredients together for 5 minutes (time it) on medium/high, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat or turn off burner at least and add:
2 cups quick-cooking oats
1 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup (or a bit more) cocoa powder
Mix well and then drop by spoonfuls onto waxpaper to let set and cool. If they seem too wet, they'll probably be nice and gooey when they've set.
This recipe seriously takes 15 minutes and is awesome and nut and wheat and dairy free.
I know, right.
When I was younger Mum counted baking cookies as a chore, and I'm pretty glad for that.
I'm pretty glad to be able to cook and bake with confidence, in general.
As much as it drove me nuts as a kid, it was good to have a night where I was supposed to make dinner. And it was especially good to have a mum who cooked good things with healthy foods.
I'm continuously surprised at how many people I know who can't make the simplest things.
The clothing swap was a success! I had the Diabetes Association coming to pick up clothes from my house today so I decided to invite people over to swap and leave their unwanteds to also get picked up.
Nine people + me is pretty much what my attic can hold, and there were some pretty nice people. I think everyone got something good and left with less than they came with, so I deem it good timez.
I also made guacomole and sangria and we ate some candy and stuff. My kind of get-together.
Last week I had two of my shifts canceled (maybe I mentioned this already), so I'm pretty glad to be working the next billion days in a row (fingers crossed, if they don't cancel me some more). I need money or else it's going to be a half-way Christmas...
And that just wouldn't do.