I kind of wish that I lived on the ground floor so that I'd be giving out candy right now I really want to see all the little babies in their costumes that's all.
I did see a cute little girl at Nirvana today and she had a cute dad and I was like "I think I'm ready to be a step-mum". Also watching babes interact with kids makes feel a bit insane. Whatever!
Nirvana has the ultimate worst service ever, hey? no but really. it's actually remarkable!
I think I was still drunk at our 4 p.m. brunch. I was also the only one who ordered a bloody mary. to be fair I had been dreaming about that bloody mary for about 1.5 hours prior to actually getting to brunch.

ah man I had such a good time last night! Totally fucking did it up right. I laughed SO MUCH. that's how you know you're having fun. the laughing.

Started off at a parkdale house party with Mrs. and that crew hosted by miss Sub Rosa. I ate too many chips and spinach dip so gross I felt sick pretty quickly after that.
My friend who was dressed as Carmen Sandiego came and met me there. Pretty sweet costume but most especially because she acted the part as well. Actors are the best.

We then left to head to Dundas west thinking about hitting up Garrison as swag was there and he said it was fun but on the way we found a big plastic kid's wagon and so Carmen Sandiego was pulling me in it. We needed to get a cab though so we got one and the lovely cab driver let us put the wagon in the trunk!

FUCK YEAH, CAB DRIVER made my night.
so sweet.

We got deposited on Dundas a few blocks away so that Carmen Sandiego could pull me down the street hahahaaaa oh man did I love that I was laughing so hard.
We made Swag come out to see us also we went back and forth in on dundas for awhile but it was lined up so we couldn't go inside.

But that turned out fine because we went and met Norman at a house party basically in the park.
Carmen Sandiego and I took turns pulling each other in the wagon on the way there hahahaaa talking on your iphone while being pulled in a wagon is so silly!

oh yeah we found a bed on the road as well. We sat there for a spell.

We pulled up in front the house and we weren't sure if it was the right place so we yelled up at the people on the balcony and then one of them was like "is that meredith?" so classic! I had no idea who it was at all and they weren't responding. but then we went instead and found Norman and other people and then it turned out it had been Chris Locke yelling at me!
I love Chris Locke! He's too funny.
How the fuck he recognized me I'll never know. Ha, though also I went to drop off Dollface's keys at her work last night and forgot I was in costume and my fav door guy still recognized me. hahaaa I make such a good boy. I'm so sexy.

So, yeah, Carmen Sandiego and I stayed and partied forever.
We went out on the various balconies and climbed ladders up onto the roof. All smart activities like responsible people.

the house was so nice. seriously fucking nice. serious balconies. I'm very very jealous.

We told the one girl who lived there that she could keep the wagon but then when I left I felt like taking it home (I left rather abruptly after noticing that I was too drunk to be allowed around people anymore, actually I don't remember the last bits of interactions with a bunch of people. yikes) so I dragged it for a little while but then ended up depositing it in front of Violet's parents' house for some reason! hahaha ughh sorry parentssss.

I fell asleep wrapped around my computer and with my contacts in. I'm glad I slept for 8 hours because otherwise I would be more of a wreck today I'm pretty sure. What's with this week? it's fuckin' nuts, eh?
Also being in character last night was SO FUN and I got to say things like "Hold on I gotta pick my fuckin' dick up" obviously.
and I got to leer at everyone pretty much.

Hallowe'en is so fun wearing costumes is the best. I don't know if I'm going to wear one tonight it's so cold out. Yeah I realize that it's actually Hallowe'en but still..
Also I think I lost my mustache
Me and Flash Gordon are going to go to this:
hahahaaaa good video that makes me want to go. not kidding.
Chris Locke admitted to me that he thinks I'm funny.