I take planes about 6 times a year which is too much I realize (I mean, not enough for me but more than enough for the environment but that's a whole other can of bananas), but it's weird how I never get used to flying.
Aaanyway, I watched a bunch of Canadian short films on my last Air Canada flight (including a couple where I knew the people involved!) and I was kind of impressed that they were even available. Obviously everyone I know writes/directs/acts in shorts but I don't get to watch as many as I want to (or should).
This is happening and I'm going to go and we should all go, yeah?
I feel like it's our job as young filmmakers and actors to support things that are possibly going to further us, that are good for our industry, that are giving people chances to see things they wouldn't normally see.
"The festival showcases short films from emerging Canadian filmmakers on Air Canada’s inflight entertainment system. Filmmakers get their big premiere in front of a potential monthly audience of 3 million ...passengers, and they honour the best of the fest at an Awards Gala in Toronto."
Which is this event!
More information is at enRoutefilm.ca
Cool? Cool.

Man, blogs are weird, hey? How we promote things and events and even products and then also just talk about random personal stuff or our friends or family and specific events in our lives.

It seems like they'd be almost like a magazine but the blogs that are my top faves are the ones which are personal and detailed and specific and honest. I don't like happy-all-the-time and I don't like being sold on stuff. Weird balance to try to strike.

Especially since this is all new, blogs have never existed like this.

I feel awkward trying to encourage people to read my blog. Like it should be good enough to attract readers on its own. But that's not really how it works. I'm bad at self-publicizing or promoting. Why is that? How do I get over it?

Also, this is my new foster cat, courtesy of Toronto Cat Rescue! She is called Lucy but I choose her name to be Lucinda Bright.
She is a good and calm and cute and nice cat who does not claw up my legs nor chew through my cords! She's the best! Aww so lovely, actually. I always wake up with her curled into me like a little darling. What a baby!

You can see her profile here. And adopt her!

wintertime is a nice time to have a cat to curl up with. Actually, anytime.

My mother does not like the hipstamatic app. It's funny how it's almost more popular these days than regular photo-taking around hipsters.
My mum says, "they look ugly, there used to boxes and boxes of photos lying around that looked like that!"
Which I know because I loved those boxes of shitty photos my grandfather took and I cut a bunch of them up to use and made magnets out of them and stuff. Then my mum threw them out and I was upset.

I got my second pair of glasses today. I'm unsure of how I feel about them and I haven't taken any photos yet but I'm sure I will soon enough. They are big and sort of the same colour as my hairs.
I didn't have time for photos because I slept in real bad then I spent the day with JL, who I haven't hung out with proper in awhile.

We went to Sam James Coffee and Babe Bar and considered getting (matching snowflake) tattoos at the parlor beside there.
Then I got to see JL's new place which it's funny to see someone's furniture and belongings all transplanted and rearranged in a completely new environment. Also for all the time that I've known him, JL has lived with multiple crazy roommates in the same place. Change change change.
After that we went to dinner at Victory I had the curried lentil thing with rice. Curry plus lentils is pretty much all I'm into these days.
JL is infuriating sometimes but I still like him a lot.

I just turned on the heaters, it's funny how it seems darker out when it's cold.