I've been at Green Grind all afternoon with Noodle and only now are we even possibly starting to get some work done.

We started out at Nirvana for breakfast/lunch.
It was real late. But the wifi wasn't working there so we had to move. The server from there came into here and said "hey, you guys found your wifi!" pretty funny!

I feel still a bit messed from Nuit Blanche, anyone? Or maybe I'm just totally into staying up late all the time because I can. Dayssss offfff multiple daysss off in a row! So lucky! and so broke. I need to book a job then it would be smooth sailing like the calmest pond with the safest boat.
Last night I had a bit of insomnia for the first time in forever.. and by insomnia I clearly mean that it took me about half an hour to go to sleep instead of the usual immediate pass out that I am used to.
It's funny how furious I get when sleep isn't coming to me. I can feel it right there! I can feel it, why can't I get to it!
Then I fall asleep so suddenly. Or at least it seems that way to me. Crazy dreams last night, I'll go right ahead and blame it on Dexter for sure. When Dexter feels sad I feel so sad! Dexter shouldn't feel sad, he's Dexter.
I love TV. The internet just told me I should watch lots of TV to write TV. OKOK INTERNET.

Noodle is good at talking to everyone. She chats up strangers like they are her best friends. I do not possess this skill yet. This confidence.
Also, Noodle is so good looking that I find it rather unnerving to be with her. I don't know how to explain what I mean by that, even. hmmmm. Makes me insecure, maybe? How do I get to be tall and thin and blonde with giant sparkly blue eyes??

Man, I've been being such a know-it-all lately (FINE this does not differ from the usual but maybe it's more extreme). That's an annoying characteristic. I've been stressed out by other people's situations or my situations with them, or their patterns or my patterns and then I want to fix things or figure out why I'm upset or why they're upset and then man, I just start to talk like an over-calm patronizing asshole. Dreamy!

I was finally getting down to work and then stopped to write this. I'm going back to it though!
I'm teaching myself about script writing and TV writing off the internet. Who wants to pay for me to take actual classes with actual deadlines?
Internet is helping though. It's funny forgetting that the internet knows pretty much everything. "have to get a book on that" ooohhh wait, the internet will know!

Drinking a funny drink that is fermented tea. It tastes rotten! Kind of good?
"Kombucha Wonder Drink" (wonder why it tastes rotten? it's rotten!)

There is the flippin cutest teenager cat tabby cat who is hanging around my house lately with no collar on and Prune and I picked him up the other night and he PURRED and PURRED the motors on those things! If he is around for much longer I am giving him to JL for sure. JL secretly loves cats so much. I am trying to talk him into fostering for Toronto Cat Rescue as well...
We tried to make a video today of how I looked like a school child in my pink rain slicker and backpack but I don't like how my hair's so thin in it it looks like I'm balding. How do I even manage to like myself mostly? Hard work.

Everybody's birthday parties are this week! I'm hoping for babesandbabesandbabes.