These are all from TIFF I stole them from Dayna's fb. thanks Day!
I wish my face looked like this more. Also I still love that fucking dress. I know everyone is tired of it now but man, it's just so great.
These are my shitty photos from that night. While we're at it.

(Dayna at work)

Hey Meredith, how is your Life as a Job plan working out?

I'm back on the life-job wagon tomorrow I think. Maybe Monday and Tuesday were my weekend? Yes let's go with that.

I have too much of a headache to do anything today. Shouldn't drink so much! That's not good for life-job.

Night before last Dollface and I went out, maybe even drank after-hours with babes and I partied later than I should have.
though, to be fair, I only went out at 1 a.m, because I was busy really working on things. So.. that's good at least.Plus I was having a Good Time and Good Times are not to be sneezed at.
ha, I like the idea of sneezing at something.

These photos are from Mrs.'s birthday party a few weeks ago. I keep forgetting to post them but Dayna (who is newly employed! congratulations!) requested them, so here they are.
Mrs. was being very funny. Actually that was a great hang out night. I loved when people came over to my place afterwards for more drinking and cheese plates. I always have so much cheese. It's like when it's on sale I have to buy it, you know?

Oh yeah so I went out with my crush from grade 4 last night. What a trip! He moved away at the end of grade 4 so obviously we had a bit of catching up to do. Hahahaa grade 4!
I ran into him last year at Dakota luckily he recognized me. Pretty crazy. I'm into nostalgia and getting hung up on the past, but you probably know that about me.
He forgives me for hitting him with a skipping rope. Apparently it's not the worst thing that ever happened to him. Man, I had a sick feeling in my stomach when I thought about that for years and years. No joke.
It's pretty funny to talk about stuff that happened so long ago. And talk about what happened to everyone later in life. Gossip about grade 7, yep.
also it's neat how we're still basically the same people and to think about how tiny we were!

swagger is wearing Mrs.'s glasses and Mrs. is wearing my glasses. Haha glasses parties happen way more than you'd think, hey?

I have no idea what's going on in this photo. But it looks amazing.

cutecute barffff.
Also, I like Dayna's shirt combo so much. Well, she's generally the best at dressing. Hopefully she brings me some nice things at the clothing swap.

These two are from brunch a couple of weeks ago. Man, I'm bad at posting things sometimes.

Okay I'm going to meet miss lindeman for coffee I haven't actually really spoken to her in months like crazy long I'm excited to see her!