Oh hello, why yes I did sleep in until 3 pm and why yes I did not feel guilty about it AT ALL!

I got to see the sunrise and that was lovely. I was uploading photos to facebook, I don't know why. I guess because I know if I don't do things right away then they won't get done at all at all.

I had a very funnn nuit blanche. You?

I like the streets being closed off, the crowds, running into people you know but never see in crowds of thousands of people. I evenkind of like how cold it is..

I saw exactly one official art installation. Went with Prune and Flash Gordon to Yorkville and wandered around. the one we saw wasn't exciting really and we had to line up for probably half an hour to see it. So once again I really didn't spend any time looking at art. I still have never made it down to yonge or bay though, so maybe that would be better?

This was the one installation we saw, it was in the Lower Bay Station of the subway and I do like going into that station and it was kind of like a light up bush that lit up according to touch and sound? Kind of neat but also not half hour wait neat.

Prune is so lovely such a lovely little prune-face.

Flash Gordon and I both had new sweet glasses! Turns out I do lovelove my new glasses. For certain.

I know how to dress for Nuit Blanche because I grew up in Saskatchewan where we had to wear parkas under our Hallowe'en costumes! So parka I did. Along with double-socks, double-pants and even some mittens! Perfect. Did not regret my wardrobe at all. For the first while I wore Prune's coat while she wore my parka because she never learns and was wearing a skirt and no sweater!But she had a fancy party to go to so it almost makes sense.

The fellas from Made By Other People were playing their films and eating popcorn in an alley off Ossington. They played Hey, George and some other awesome ones. Flash Gordon and I stopped by there and I ate so much popcorn!

Then Swagger came and joined us and one of Flash Gordon's buds who works with us at the dome also is an actor also turned out to know Swagger smallest world everever, hey?How did I manage to not take any photos of that other bud?

So then we went to Bellwoods, well we stopped in the road for our bud to freestyle a bit with a funny street-band thing that was happening. Prettttty good.

I'm always content enough to wander around and to hang out in Bellwoods with nice people. Even if they have broken grabber things instead of hands.

In Bellwoods Swagger wanted to climb the creepy tree and I used to be very very into climbing things and even pretty good at it but my laziness has pretty much gotten in the way of everything fun over the years but luckily I was only slightly drunk so I was totally into it.

Swag boosted me up and I got to fully experience the creepy tree. so creepy! Bits of toys and doll arms and a weird toy cat all lodged in the branches. Cool interactive installation! Permanent collection.

After Bellwoods, Swagger left and for some godforsaken reason we went to Social. I don't know why? We were looking for someone?

Ended up there anyhow and Flash Gordon and our other bud were dancing and I was just standing there in my parka watching. Watching and sweating.

This young babe sidled up next to me and tried to chat me up. I was basically having none of it and he was trying to get me to dance. I told him my name was Jane and he told me he'd just moved here from South Africa, cute accent for sure.
Then he told me he'd been to Social twice since he'd moved here and I said, "oh yeah.. how old are you?"
and he said "20" and I laughed out loud.
and he said "is that young or old?"
"oh pretty young!"
"why how old are you?"
"I'll be 27 pretty soon here"
then the best: "well that doesn't matter since I look about 22 and you look about 22"
I laughed pretty hard. And said, "oh you're right! that does make up for the years of difference and experience!"
(why yes, I do know how to woo young men and how not be condescending at all)
But he laughed too and I finally agreed to dance with him and he was totally trying to feel me up!
hahaahhaaa I'm not even old how do I feel so old right now?

So then Cpt. Heh called and I had to go find him but I was paused in the front of the bar texting and this kid came back over to me and said "what's your last name?"
"why for?"
and he was like, "how will I get a hold of you?"
at which point I had to tell him that I'd lied about my name and I told him my real first and last name and also about my blog maybe? Who knows! I don't know why! Goodlord I'm hoping he doesn't find and read this!
then he was like "one more thing..." and he kissed me on the mouth!
Ohhhhh holyhell it was too funny. So I obviously started kissing him (in the middle of Social at 4:45 a.m.) and of course Flash Gordon and bud were looking for me and obviously saw him making out with him. Classic!
Awww it was nice, actually. Pretty sweet and good moves, guy, I gotta say, pretty smooth.
I wish I'd taken his picture for the blog.. too much? He was very cute, I'm sure I could find him an eligible young lady!

After Social, Flash, Cpt. and I picked up snacks and went to Dollface's for a bit. They were there drinking and I ate all the convenience store sushi so quick. I kind of wanted to see more art but all the art was pretty much done even though it wasn't sunrise yet.

Leave me alone, like you've never smoked.

in other news: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NOODLE! see you in a few!