My friend was like, "Man, that's a big can of Sapporo!" and I was like "I know! Take my picture with it"
So now you know what's going on here.

Actually I can't really explain what that guy in the background is doing.
Just kidding, that's one of my favourite buds and believe it or not, he and I had a pretty good work meeting this morning.

Yeah, I wouldn't believe it either.

Okay let's talk photo-editing apps for iPhone for a quick sec.
Both of these two apps were suggested to me by a new bud who knows about iPhones. Or at least knows more than me (not hard).
#1 TiltShift Generator
Edited the middle two Sapporo pictures with this app, lets you change the point of focus and blur out from there also adjust the brightness/contract/saturation/vignetting very easily. A quick way to art-up iphone photes pretty simply. I should have desaturated them more, but still. Also the next two photos in this post are edited using this app. Very fun.

#2 Plastic Bullet Toy Camera
This one is a bit different. You select your picture (or take one) and then it generates four very different options and you can view them bigger and save them or not. When you've decided if you like those ones or not you can press the refresh type option to get another set of four options of prints. You can't go back though, so if you like one you should save it! You can pretty much refresh for new options into infinity? Probably. it's hard to choose just one but also such fun! You can choose lots!
Okay for instance.
original photo (kind of terrible):

Plastic Bullet:

TiltShift Generator:

So Fun!
You have no idea how hard it is for me not to abandon the work I'm in the middle of to watch episodes of TV shows on the internet. The amount of willpower in me right now is astounding.
Except I guess I did just blow off the project I'm supposed to be working on to write this blog. But that's also a decent project to be working on. Making myself look prettier than I really am on the internet! Basically my life.
For someone completely unknown reason (coffee? the high I get when I'm doing good work on a good project?) I am in an awesome mood and I should get back to typing before I have another fit of wanting to lie around for a billion years and not talk to anyone (basically all of yesterday)!
If you have any tips/suggestions for iPhone apps, etc, or want to share the Android or other version of such games then you should let me know.
I'm still totally learning about my bestbud iPhone and am interested in using it to the fullest!