You have to make a party! That's how to get a party! Make one!
A few years ago (the first Nuit Blanche?) We mostly hung out in Bellwoods and that was when they had swimming at the Bellwoods pool with DJs and a light show and you could either swim or just watch and we were just watching and I was wearing RED lipstick that was pretty much permanent.
I'd just taken up winking that day, I felt like it could really be a good tool in helping to get babes (ahahahahaa). I saw a v, v, good looking dude heading towards the pool and of course I winked at him.
Then, of course (only to me), he winked back. But thennn he came over the railing where we were standing. It turned out that he knew one of my friends and came to say hello.
He turned out to be a terrible little stoner who just got really tired after smoking weed. And then later on I saw him in the road and he'd cut his hair. It was the long hairs that had really been what I was after in the first place (HA).
That same Nuit Blanche we got very drunk and cried in doorways on Dundas but in sort of a nice way? Things are hard sometimes and that's okay.
It was rainy and cold and we rolled in the mud down the Bellwoods hills and I came home and took pictures of myself with my (film) camera.

Lipstick still perfect.