
crisps and things

It's apple season and I had a bag of apples needing to be used up so I went ahead and made a crisp!
I had a bag of frozen berries in the freezer (I always buy these when they're on sale) so I added some of those to the mix and it turned out super good.
I like to cook my crisps until everything is right mushy. My mum likes her apples to have a bit of firmness left to them. Not me! Mushy all the way.

So I'm having crisp and a chai tea latte and that's making it pretty much the best morning ever. And it is still morning. Usually I am not even up until noon (hey, I'm usually awake until 4 a.m. so leave me alone it's not like I'm the laziest. Except I am kind of the laziest) but today for some reason I woke up at a reasonable time and fought the urge to go back to sleep. Maybe iron pills are working! 

Oh yeah, also I added ground chia seeds and flax seeds to my crisp topping and cut the butter with olive oil and it's pretty much the best. jfyi.



Also while I draw or work (waste time) on the computer usually this is going on on my lap:

I don't know when the last time I had a real lap cat was. I mean, she just hangs out on my lap all day. It doesn't really matter if I'm paying her attention or not, she just chills out. Pretty nice pretty nice.

I work well under deadlines, in case you were wondering. In fact, I won't actually get anything done until I actually have to. Therefore driving my own work on working on my own schedule is pretty much the worst. Getting better getting better.
Remember when I used to make zines of poetry and photos? I definitely never finished them until I had already planned and announced the get-together party to launch them. Ha, I like that I used to do that.

I used to have chai latte parties in high-school. Those were the best.
I love little get-togethers so very very much. We'd all pile into supertruck and go over to my mum's little house after school and I'd make chai lattes on the stove and we'd all sit around and chat. How fun!

Accidentally started watching Teen Mom on MTV last night at Dollface's while waiting for her to be done work so we could get to partying and, MAN, I would totally get addicted to that show. The sad truth is that I would probably get addicted to pretty much all reality TV if I gave myself the chance. Therefore I avoid it.
I would watch Teen Mom to perfect my middle-american accent though, that's for sure.

Oh yeah, here's a video where I officially introduce Lucinda Bright:
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