Wowwow I am terrible when I am not spending enough time by myself.

Even Dollface reminded me that I need "alone timez" last night when I complained of being a bit irritable. Classic classic meredith r. mistletoe.

I got my new COUGAR BOOTS in the mail today, though. The winter boots are apparently good up to -30 if you're active while wearing them.
I am going to be so pleased trying these out this winter.
I walked to work the other day (little italy to union station basically kind of a hike) for the first time in awhile it went surprisingly fast. Fast and easy. I always forget just how much I love walking.
Also it was stormy out and the air felt a bit crazy which is always the best time for walking really.
I try to walk both ways as much as possible all winter and these boots I got seem to have serious grip plus are waterproof man I'm just going to stomp my way down to work with the happiest feet. I kind of wish it would snow. Okok snow in 2 weeks then we can get this christmas party started 'round here, yeah?

My house is uncomfortably messy right now and I'm glad that I have tomorrow off.
Having a clothing swap in the evening (come! no, seriously, if you want to come you should) and so I want to get the house into shape for showing off. Or at least making a little cozy nest for us to drink sangria in and swap clothes and gossip.

Though cleaning is not high on my list of favourite activities I do very badly need some quiet and that's a good way to get some. Just tidying up and taking care of my space and things.
I don't think I even know if what I'm feeling today is valid or true or if I'm just tired and need some space.

I wonder if I'll get tired of Plastic Bullet the way I'm sort of tired of Hipstamatic (for my own use, I'm still into other people's photos)? So far still love it.
I will for sure not get tired of that tuque I've had it since grade 12 probably. I know the girl who gave it to me regrets letting it go now that I've gotten 10 years of wear out of it. Best hat, though.