
why yes that is a christmas plaid shirt

Hello, I am a lumberjack voyageur hipster. I will cut down your Christmas tree for you!

Oh it's Sheriff Little Red Riding Hood.

Yeah we went out again for hallowe'en last night.
Went to the Laugh Sabbath show at Rivoli with Flash Gordon. We had some good laughs yeah actually a few great things to laugh at. There was candy on all the tables and we ate SO MUCH of it. Flash Gordon is going to see her nutritionist today so she was living it up. hahahaaaa aww man I've been feeling so sick from eating everything I shouldn't eat.
It seems unfair that lots of people just eat garbage and feel fantastic and I can't eat anything! Brutal!
Chocolate chocolate candy chocolate.

Oh yeah also one of the acts was incredibly over-the-top gross sexually like to an extreme that I've not experienced and I could not get over the fact that there were old people there and how offended they must have been.
This did not stop me from laughing hysterically forever, though. Just in an awkward way.

Why yes I did have a different mustache than the previous night. I think I lost that first mustache. This one clips into my nose! Kinda gross! I also got tired very quickly of having my hair under the hat. And of wearing a boy costume in general. It's weird not having a bit of cute to fall back on.

After Laugh Sabbath we went and picked up Dollface from her staff meeting and then cabbed it up to Rosedale for a Hallowe'en party where we were convinced we'd meet millionaires to buy us SO MANY THINGS.

I don't know what Dollface was exactly. Neither does she. An assassin? A spy? Demi Moore in Striptease? A member of the press missing a camera? Take your pick! She looked hot, anyway, that's probably the point. Hot yet not slutty, both of my friends actually. It was a Hallowe'en miracle!

Unfortunately the party was completely winding down and I insisted on leaving. Hahaa can't take me anywhere.

We did take lots of photos though to make it seem like we were having a good time!!
No actually I had a lot of fun. I love Flash Gordon and Dollface both of them are funnnny.

We brought some roses along with us from DF's workplace that her parents had given her so we were cabbing around the city with a huge bouquet of long-stem white roses basically. You can bet I gave them to people who I felt were deserving, that's for sure.

Props are the best!
Can't have a good party without good props pretty much!

Cabbed back to sanity by which I mean Ossington ended up at Commie visited our bud who works there and I bothered his friends who were sitting at the bar. Basically barged in on their conversation and gave them candy and roses I'm like the suavest dude ever pretty much, eh?
I don't think they were too annoyed I hope. I wasn't even totally blasted just feeling particularly belligerent, ya know?
I can be very determined about partying. 

I'm not going to post their photos though I thought about it. It's such a back and forth thing with this website like who wants their privacy protected? who doesn't really care?
You can write whatever you want about me wherever I don't have issues with being over-shared on the internet obviously. I feel something like people need to chill out about it but I can also see feeling a bit weird.
I like to respect people.
I mean, I'd like to respect people.

Did I ever tell you about the time when I had a boyfriend (I use the term boyfriend lightly, obviously) who thought I was insaaane for putting anything on the internet and one time he called me from his work number just to creep me out and pretend he'd found out all about me off the internet?
Good joke!
Just kidding it wasn't that good of a joke.
He was sort of a comedian seems like he could have thought of better. I considered telling you a bit more about him there and then linking to his websites but then he would SHIT BRICKS and plus we barely dated and we're still okay buds sort of except he thinks women shouldn't get to make dirty jokes and he's pretty religious. Also he didn't really like affection. BIZARRE.
Hmmmmmmmmm did I just tell this story already on here like really recently? Does anyone even read the words I write? WHO KNOWS.

This is our bud. He doesn't get privacy.

Okay then this morning I woke up and this was happening:
