
do it all up in cloisonne

I want these cloisonné owls SO MUCH!
I actually went into this store (Dundas just East of St. George) to buy one and then realized that I really could not justify spending $10 (more for the bigger ones) on a figurine for no reason.

this is what I want for Christmas, though. I am not joking around. Whoever gets this for me for Christmas will be my hero. Who wants to woo me?
Oh they are just too beautiful. I would like a couple, actually. And I think all of them are beautiful so don't be shy about picking them out. I bet other stores in Chinatown have them too. I'm not even that into owls but I do like these ones so much.

I did buy a couple of pairs of pearl earrings, though. Somehow I managed to justify that to myself? Who knows.

Brunch at Cafe La Gaffe in Baldwin Village. Baldwin Village, I always forget about you!
So lovely such a lovely fall day, unbelievably warm out we just basked in the sunlight.

Patio was complete with a cat!

It came around to say hello and then went to sleep right by the sidewalk. too cute.

I had the brown mushroom/swiss/spinach omelette with such good hashbrowns and a serious salad and pieces of fruit on the side. I'd just come from the most boring shift at work so brunch was an extra-special-treat, it seemed. Laid-back, friendly server, too, who was pretty lovely, he made a jam bowl and set it in the garden to try to lure the wasp away from us.
I hope that someone thought he was trying to feed that to the cat.

My skin's been super crazy lately in a bunch of different ways, it's nice when it looks soft and nice in photos. I wish I had a healthy body that worked in all the ways it's supposed to. I wish I had skin that healed easily.

And I wish I blushed less. Actually, maybe it counteracts my rudeness sometimes? 'Ah she can't be that mean, she's blushing..'

Less than two weeks until Christmas season (at least in terms of retail and planning stuff) is in full swing! I'm behind already! But still very excited at what's possible and what I'll get around to!
Such a lovely lovely little season.