Photos from a few weeks ago, when Mum and I stayed at a B&B outside of Winnipeg.

This is the place that used to be a convent. Kind of cool. I love spaces like that. I wish it were mineeee.

Awwwwwww Santa.

I do love Christmas. And I do love Christmas all year round, but one should understand that I mean tasteful Christmas. Most people do not understand this. It's a hardship I have to bear.

Even though it was Sunday morning we didn't go to church.

Anyway, I went and did a bit of voice-over stuff this morning as a favour to a friend and I got to do a little boy voice. Little boy voices are the best! You get to sound indignant. Ha, pretty much all little boys are indignant and condescending all the time. Okok most children are.

Anyway, that was fun and made me feel like I was doing something productive.
It also made me feel like I should really get a proper voice demo made. IknowIknow I already said that, but it's true. Ughhhghg someone should give me a grant of $3000 to get really fancy headshots and fancy video demo and fancy voice demo and to do classes and then I guarantee that I would be.... a bit more successful than I am now. Hopefully.
That's the thing -- if they came with a guarantee I'd be way more willing to go into (even more) debt in order to finance these tools.
Just kidding I'm in a good mood! It's my second day off in a row!

There were a couple of really nice rest stops on our cross-Canada roadtrip, this one was my favourite. I swam in there. UH HUH. it actually ended up being the only swimming I did on my roadtrip which was not my plan at all, but it ended up being so cold and rainy.

Today after I was done that voice stuff I went over to The Paper Place. Niki got me a gift card and it was waiting there for me! It was for more than I expected but I still managed to spend it all and then some. CLEARLY. So eeeeasy to spend money in that sort of place, holy jeeezus, it's like candy.
Luckily I had just organized all of my papers and paper crafting accessories into one of the great hand-shelled suitcases I bought on my trip. (yes I do so need a suitcase for my paper crafts. sigh.)
Christmas caaaaaaaaaaards!
Now I feel guilty that I have not gotten Niki her presents from last year either. We are bad at gifting to each other sometimes! Now it's almost our birthdays and Christmas again.
I just bought the biggest bag of quinoa, I hope I continue liking this stuff. Making more curried lentil quinoa soup. I could eat it all year. And I just polished off the last of the salsa bean soup I made a couple of days ago. Swiss and tomato grilled cheese on the side. YES.
best passtime.
hmmmm maybe I should make cookies while I tidy up around here.........