A friend of mine was saying how she was following my blog and twitter and was jealous of how little I seem to do. Jealous? Ha! I am jealous of people with projects they actually feel like working on, of people who get to go to awesome jobs, of people with good work ethic and stick-to-ive-ness.
I have not given up on myself, but WOW (just a capitalized wow, not World-Of-Warcraft in case you're wondering), should I ever do more with my days.
Take today for example. I got up at noon and it is now coming up on 4 o'clock. WHERE DID THOSE FOUR HOURS GO?
I mean, I did spend a lot of time lying around in the bath.
And I did eat a hand-polished apple from the Dollface Fam (man, so many treats at their Thanksgiving!).
I did make and then eat some egg salad (sandwiches! with cucumbers and peppers and carrots on the side!)
I did watch Gossip Girl (whyyyy do I still do that?) and paint my nails bright red.

Let's get serious, though. What the fuck did I do for those four hours? Farted around on the internet, I guess. The internet is the WORST. Also, best.
I know there have been times in my life where I worked 60+ hour weeks but right now I just can't fathom the idea of doing such a thing!
Oh, unless it was on something I love. Then SIGN ME UP.

ughgughguh I need dealines! I need producers and collaborators in my life to boss me around and demand things from me.
Do you even know the piles of ideas I'm sitting on?
They are stupidly good. (I'm not even kidding really)
I just need to be pushed to do them. I need more people on my team to make things happen. I am the boss of not-getting-around-to-things.
I am the dean of making up excuses as to why I can't do things right now.
Maybe I should have done more post-secondary? Maybe I should have taken harder classes in high-school? I honestly have no self-start ability which is ABSURD given the fact that I fancy myself a writer and a creator and a crafter.
So silly!

Oh Noodle is just looking so lovely.
I got more drunk than I meant to last night and Mrs and I both very much wanted to go to sleep on the couches at Sweaty Betty's. Mrs actually did for a minute there. I approved.It was our friend's photo art opening at 107 Shaw Gallery before that and it was super packed filled with hipsters and people I've made out with (only made out with about 50%, not that bad leave me alone. have you ever been single in Toronto?) but I have to say, for someone whose life should be filled with awkward.. it's really not that bad.
Actually everyone I know is in the same boat so we're all kind of evensteven around here.

Maybe been a bit more nutso than usual lately.
Luckily I'm in the mood for calming down. I'm just not sure when I'm going to get around to it.

Hey guess what?
I'm getting Cougar Boots!
I don't for sure yet which ones I will actually be getting but these are my top picks so hopefully I get them!

I am for sure going to have the warmest feet this winter. So pleased!
I actually fully need these as I generally walk both ways to ACC all winter and I walk Kaya all the time in the snowbanks and I do have several pairs of boots but none are pleasant to look at as well as being totally functional.
I will be letting you know how they are holding up, etc. Yeah Huh.
Time to clean out the fridge a bit and do the dishes. How's that for accomplishment??