
ouch my heart, stupidest of organs

I LOVE ZACH GALIFIANAKIS (though good lord knows if I spelt that right)

My heart is hurting so bad today in so many little ways. The biggest of which is that Preddi and Bear are on their way to an "adoptathon" this weekend, to be gotten new families. YIKESSSSS.
Why does the word "adoptathon" give me the heeby-jeebies? I want to know where they are going to! I love them!
Bear, especially, is too dumb and possibly a little mentally challenged (I am not joking on this) and I'm scared of her being alone...
Aw, hell, we all knew I'd be a basketcase when this happened.
If they don't get adopted out this weekend, they'll come back to me. But I'm going out of town, anyway, so really they'll be coming back to my friend who is staying here...
I hope they getting loving homes.

The Mrs. is planning on taking Little Grey (she just has to be screened by the Toronto Cat Rescue). And then once Tilda has dried up a bit, she'll be spayed and get adopted out as well.

No, then I can foster more cats and do more good and feel fulfilled? Maybe.

Want a cat but can't commit to one? Toronto Cat Rescue always needs foster homes! Foster a cat or kitten until they can be adopted out, and you'll be doing a good deed and also get to snuggle furry animals!

Aw, man, Little Grey is so not helping by sleeping on my belly right now. Sighs.

The Weather Station CD release last night was really, really lovely. Miss Lindeman's voice was especially strong and wonderful. I loved the two drummers and the back-up vocals by all the other ladies who had sang throughout the evening.
But I guess that's neither here nor there.

I did take pictures but it was ridiculously dark, so I'm afraid I did not get any great ones. Haven't had a chance to go through them yet but we'll see.

Working tonight for the first time in too long. I still don't want to go. But if anyone deserves to have to go to work - it's me.
I need money so bad I can taste it, anyhow.

I think my Cheeswife, Cheespie and I are going to try and hit up Loving In The Name Of afterward. Last time we went it was filled with babes (not that we are scoping since we are now together) and awesome dance moves.
I danced like I was doing the limbo pretty much the whole time. FUCKING SEXY.