
bbq and white sangria

Okay two more working days. Then still some rehearsing then performance on next Saturday but still, Wednesday and Thursday, I'm looking at you to be all about relaxing...

BBQ at the Mrs.'s house last night. Ended being a few of us over there, very impromptu. Grilled up some veggies for me and some veggie dogs and Tanner gave me a nature burger mmmhmmm. On a cheesy bun! Oh yeah and I made white sangria and it went down like juice. mmhmm. Pretty good kind of party.
It was too cold to be outside though so we sat in the living room and made pretty funny jokes and then SNL was on and we watched the whole episode but in a good way. And SNL was pretty funny -- haven't watched it in quite awhile. Hosted by Will Ferrell and he's pretty greaty, ya know.

Rode my new bike around the town, it's sweet. Pretty comfotable and the best part is the working brakes for sure!