
it's so hot in here! first time this year!

new dress from dollface!

Dollface went to New York because she is fancy like that. And she brought me back this necklace and dress!!!
Topshop dress, which is funny because yesterday I was just saying how I'd like to go to Topshop.
I'm actually pretty sure that Dollface is my boyfriend. Better than a boyfriend because I don't have to put out (much).

She also took me to dinner last night, at Watusi -- pretty new spot I've drank at already, on Ossington south of Dundas.
We had some chardonnay (I think? Who even knows? I don't know about wines..) and shared a bunch of plates. I was nervous about the sharing styles because
a) I am vegetarian and Dollface loves meat like no one I've ever encountered (just like all my other boyfriends)
b) I'm also trying to be off wheat. Pretty annoying dietary restrictions.

It turned out great though!
We shared the two salads which were both delicious and one had lots of red peppers and mandarin bits and one had lots of mangoes and avocados. Mmhmm.
We also got chickpea fries with dip (sort of like falafel but different) and we got spicy beans and sugar peas and some butty spinach and chard. UH HUH. Dollface also got short ribs (or something like that? I'm not very good with meat types) and everything was very wonderful. And not overly-filling because it was just so many vegetables, which was just what I needed.

We had desert as well we shared the chocolate lava something something really good just what you'd expect but then also the avocado white chocolate mousse. What the eff? Why was it so great? It was so great! I tried to move in to it!

On a related note, did you know that avocados are fruits? I didn't!

new necklace from dollface!

After dinner, DF and I parted was and I went and met up with Deck at skater night at 751. Imagine that? Deck at a skater night? It was pretty fun. Drank some vodka, talked some stuff, thought about doing projects, related acting careers to skateboarding careers like you would never have thought possible. No, really.

I said a few days ago about how annoying it is for people in the arts to constantly be questioned on their careers.
I was definitely wrong about it being only people in the arts.
Anyone who is driving their own career and is not working a typical office job with good benefits must get hassled as well, I think.
Beyond annoying.

So, since realizing that I've been being very negative towards myself lately, I've been trying very hard not to be.
When asked how my career is going I say
"Pretty good! I'm doing a play this weekend! I just did a couple of short films, and I think they're going to be really great. My first feature is going to be released soon and I'm trying self-start more, get my own projects going."

A little bit more positive than "my career's in the shitter!"
which I did think was funny and also did shut people up.

I've been feeling way more positive, whether it's because of that, or not, I don't really care. Positivity is an awesome feeling.
And I have a sweet TV audition tomorrow (which are sort of scarce these recession-days) and I'm totally going to prepare for it and shit. And break all my legs.

Also, I'm taking today off of doing pretty much anything. I'm only leaving the house to go walk the dog and I'm keeping socializing to a minimum.
Because I'm beyond worn-down. And I deserve to catch up on Gossip Girl and make some pasta and cuddle some kittens.