Working at the soccer pitch this afternoon and, of course, it is rainy out and why can't it ever be nice out when I have to be outside in it?
Victory with the BFF and her BF last night and then sushi with Sass and co. Party for life.
It was really really nice to see both those groups of people.
I've been way too busy since getting back. I haven't even had time to catch up on all my tv-on-the-internet!
Partly it's working every day but also socializing every afternoon and every night.
I'm luuuuuuuuucky to have all these babely best friends but I kind of just want to lie on my floor by myself for awhile.
Soon! Hopefully.

(Saskatoon next-door neighbour's "chairy" tree... look closely. Um... he's an artist?)
I forgot how much I like P.J. Harvey.