

Amy Poehler and Will Arnett (and their little baby, Archie!)

Kate Winslet and Sam Mendes (love Kate Winslet. Watched her biographer the other day and loved her even more. Love Hideous Kinky, you should watch it. It is not anything like the title implies.)

Michelle Williams and Spike Jonze (was jealous of her relationship with Heath as well, also she is so pretty and amazing and I love her. JFYI. Want to see Wild Things!)

Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton (if I got reeeal skinny and weirder maybe I would look like her at least)

Tina Fey and Jeff Richmond (composer on SNL) (jealous of Tina Fey on so many levels)

Maya Rudolph and Paul Thomas Anderson (I didn't even know about this one until recently! And I love her last name..)

I think a lot about movies and theatre and I never go to see them. I should start doing that more often.

Oh, I did go to see Adventureland with Carlos in Saskatoon. It was kind of weird. Charming and nice and stuff, but also awkward (not purposefully awkward, more like I could see the script or something while I was watching it).
It had an obscene amount of drinking and driving in it. And a bit where there was a consequence to that... but not enough.
I'm pretty anti-drinking and driving. In case you were wondering.

Okay I need to get my life in gear and stop dicking around (literally).

You know what's annoying?
When people ask how your career is going.
I bet people don't do this to people who aren't in the arts. It's fucking obnoxious.
I've taken to sticking my tongue out, giving thumbs down, and saying "my career is in the shitter!"
This works because it dissuades (omg hard to spell) people from asking much further.
But it's not true. My career is coming along -- slowly.
And I wonder if I by saying this all the time I am convincing myself (and the universal energies and fates [punch me in the head/give me a copy of The Secret]) that my career is pointless and done...


Oh yeah, p.s. - I'm doing a short play on May 23rd as part of the Over-the-Top Festival.

And I'm getting into a positive outlook. STARTING NOW.