
Tonight, If I Were You - Friday May 29th

If I didn't have to work the Blue Jays versus Red Sox game tonight (moneymoneymoney) then I would for sure book it out to Ward Island and lie in the sun.
When the sun went down I would then make my way to the island association clubhouse to see The Weather Station play. (8 pm-ish PWYC)

Slim Twig CD release tonight at the Horseshoe, I'd be especially wanting to see the covers set featuring members of $100, Creeping Nobodies, etc. (10pm, $10)
I secretly love covers so much. Maybe I should just hang out at Gracie's and Beer Markt? ugh.

Also, tomorrow at 12 noon there is a Drummers for Darfur march.
Again, if I didn't have to work (moneymoneymoney) I would so be there to make a lot of loud noises and run about. Because that is totally what I like to do.
Meet at Grange park at noon, traveling to Trinity Bellwoods.